Family Visit

Last weekend, we had the privilege to have Brandon’s parents in town. It had been July since we had seen them, and they were missing their grandson! So they decided to drive up for a few days. It was just his mom and dad, and our time together was very laid back. It was nice to have them here without any agenda. Usually when they are here, it is for a vacation or Bikes Blues & BBQ. While those are fun, until this weekend I didn’t realize how nice it was just to sit on the couch and not have to go anywhere! Part of the reason I think we enjoyed sitting so much is that Brandon and I were both sick. We were bumps on a log the whole time! His parents are so laid back that they did not mind. They just wanted to see Adler, and they got to do that quite a bit! Sunday we went to church and then just stuck around the house the rest of the day. Brandon was playing bass at church, so he was there from 7am-1pm and 5pm-8pm. Since Adler naps from 1-3, we were basically homebound.

Monday we headed out to Altus to tour the wineries. We ate lunch at Wiederkehr’s and then took their tour, which gave us more history as to how wine was made in the past. Then we went to Post Familie, where they demonstrated how they currently make the wine. It was fun and educational, and the drive was gorgeous! We caught the tail end of the gorgeous fall leaves. Monday night we went to dinner with my parents. Adler was pretty tired, so we had one of those “fun” restaurant experiences, but with all the grandparents there, he was well tended to! :-)

Tuesday, we did a bit of shopping in Fayetteville, then after Adler’s nap headed up to Rogers to finish errands my mother-in-law needed to run. We then killed some time letting Adler “ride” the toys in the food court (he still doesn’t know they move when you put money in, but he LOVES to just sit on them! It is really funny!). Then we met up with Brandon’s childhood best friend Chris, who lives here and wanted to see Brandon’s parents while they were in town. We ate at Houlihan’s, our new favorite restaurant, and topped off the evening with a trip to Andy’s. It’s my father-in-law’s favorite ice cream place and he only gets it when they come up here. And I wasn’t complaining-ice cream pretty much makes me the happiest person alive.

They left early Wednesday morning, making their trip a short one. We had a wonderful time relaxing, shopping, wine tasting, and just talking with them. I hope we are able to do it again in the future. For now, we are looking forward to seeing them for Christmas in just a few weeks!

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